5 business benefits of implementing a workflow system

Information about AI (artificial intelligence), BI (business intelligence – business analytics), robotics and automation is coming from everywhere. Well-known companies are already after or in the process of digital transformation. The world revolves around IT.

Is it the same in your company?

Statistically speaking, rather not. The truth is that most organizations operate with old technology or even analog.

The area of document and case flow, or so-called workflow, is not unique. There are many reasons for this, of course, but that’s a topic for another article. In this one, let’s focus on whether implementing such a system makes sense and what benefits we have a right to expect.


Should I implement a workflow system in my company?

When you think of a huge company it is quite obvious that such a tool will be useful. However, where is the limit?

  • Number of employees

This is often assumed. Is therefore 20 people working with computer, is already quite? Or maybe 10 is enough, but in a territorially dispersed or home office mode.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was assumed that 50 people was the limit, but that number was more for budgetary reasons (more on that below), because licenses and implementations were expensive.

  • IT budget

It’s hard to buy and implement a workflow system for less than EUR 10,000 net. Typically, budgets settle closer to EUR 50,000, and even those for EUR 0.5 million are not uncommon. Subsequent maintenance costs are also non-trivial. Now let’s add to that the internal cost, because without a lot of involvement of people from inside the company no implementation will succeed. The result? One has to agree that this is not the way for everyone.

  • Needs

Let’s not think about costs for a moment, but about needs – an approach often found in literature and commercial processes, and quite unique in practice.

Let’s imagine a micro-entrepreneur on a flat rate who provides services to one client. Would he need a workflow system? Not likely.

Well, and a micro with several employees or subcontractors, providing services to many clients? Rather yes – in such an organization there are processes with a repetitive structure, such as customer service: complaints, support/support, vacation requests. Such a company often uses external resources: accounting offices, human resources, lawyers, etc., which paves the way for further processes.

Will this entrepreneur buy a system offered in the traditional model? Not likely.

How much does he need to grow to be able to afford it? Become small? – Not yet. Medium? – you can start looking.

And the choice is there. We recommend the Dew-X workflow system, a low-code platform that will be sufficient for most companies, and in a completely free version!


BPMS implementation


Workflow system – business benefits

The list of benefits is very long and depends on the specifics of each organization. In almost every one, however, you can talk about these five basic reasons:

  • Process optimization
    Elimination of unnecessary documents, delays, loss, stress especially during the inspection period, etc.
  • Better control
    At any time of the day or night, remotely, without involving other people, we will be able to monitor cases in progress and those already completed.
  • Remote and multi-site working
    In addition to the obvious advantages, such a work model also presents challenges, one of which is the flow of documents and tasks. The workflow system solves these problems.
  • Flexibility
    Change the procedure – in a good workflow system, we will change the process definition and forms, and the rest will happen on its own. It will also be simpler to implement new employees.
  • Image
    Which company is better to work for – modern or backward?
    This is the perspective of employees, and which company would your current and potential clients prefer to work with? Hmmm 🙂


Bet on the Dew-X

Dew-X is the first free and simple workflow system – a tool for creating and managing workflows, issues and tasks, and file archives. Low-code platform available in the cloud or as a paid version on your server.

With the Dew-X system you can achieve each of the mentioned goals, and both by ordering the extended paid version and using the free version, which can also be used for commercial purposes!

Dew X workflow

Do you have additional questions about the Dew-X workflow system? Use the contact form available on the site, or write directly to the hello@dew-x.com – specialists will provide you with detailed information and clear up any doubts.

How to implement a workflow system?

The decision has been made

If you are convinced that your organization needs a workflow system (you can read about what a workflow system is and whether it is worth implementing here), then it’s time to act.
There are at least a few ways. Here we will address two of them.

By the Book

  1. Find an analyst, preferably an external one not affiliated with a single software vendor, to help your organization determine what processes should be included in the scope of the implementation, and then define them. Our experience suggests that it’s a good idea to start with a limited scope, such as two key processes, and only implement others in successive stages. Implementing ten at once will take “ages” and carry a high risk of failure.
  2. On the basis of the analysis, choose a system and a software provider. In our opinion, the key is to be guided by the criterion of the chance of implementation success (unfortunately, many IT implementations fail). Of course, in the real world there will be many factors that will limit your options and force you to make compromises, the most obvious of which will be budget.
  3. Sign a contract so that your interests are protected. Pay attention to, among other things, copyright, maintenance costs, the possibility and cost of modification when your needs change, and even the permissibility of changing suppliers if for some reason you were no longer comfortable with your chosen one.
  4. Take care of issues related to integrations with external systems. Remember that this important area is likely to involve multiple parties (different vendors), check technical and formal possibilities. If you are changing the system – discuss issues of migration of historical data.
  5. Implement a workflow system and enjoy the results. Monitor, modify, streamline and expand to more business areas.

Who is this path for?

  • you can budget significant resources for preparatory work, implementation and subsequent maintenance,
  • the processes you are thinking about are critical to your organization (e.g., they are its core business),
  • you have enough time,
  • your organization has adequate resources (analytical, substantive, IT, legal, etc.) or can acquire them.


In Vogue


Do it yourself or with a little help.

This path has many enthusiasts, but also a large group of opponents.

To use an analogy, one can cite an example from the furniture industry. We can order a piece of furniture created to our order based on a unique design; or we can order a ready-made product, which will be delivered to us and assembled by a professional team, which in some cases will also make minor modifications – to fit our needs. Finally, we can use a ready-made product, which we ourselves will bring home and assemble based on instructions – often modular, which will allow many modifications and adjustments. Of course, in the latter case, too, it is possible to use external support – not necessarily the manufacturer.
There are workflow systems on the market that are quick and easy to implement, which of course may (although not necessarily) involve making many compromises. The providers of some of them will not allow, for example, installations on your server, modifications, integrations, flat-rate billing unrelated to the number of users, instances, space, etc.
However, there are also those that are not particularly different from the so-called traditional ones, and allow you to start with simpler and cheaper implementations, while at the same time giving you the opportunity to later migrate to more complex versions with extensive capabilities.

Who is this route for?

  • you don’t have a big budget (or maybe you don’t have one at all),
  • you want to test different possibilities before reaching for a target solution,
  • the system you are looking for is to handle less critical processes, such as in the back office,
  • you don’t have time for a long implementation – the processes are supposed to take off in a few weeks (or maybe even days).

I can’t make a decision


Which of these paths is better for your organization depends on many factors.

When you can’t decide, consider the following approach:
Use gateway #2 (In Vogue) in the least expensive form possible, thinking about both the cost of the software and your or an external involvement. Adopting such a solution is a good test of whether a workflow system will even take hold in your company and fulfill its role.
It may show that it is sufficient and you don’t need to invest in anything more expensive. Or it may show that you definitely need to look for another system or method of implementation, but then both you and your organization will already be at a completely different level of knowledge and will know exactly what to look for when making the target choice.


How to get started with Dew-X?

Electronic document workflow – for whom and what is it?

Many entrepreneurs and managers would like to implement an electronic document workflow system in their companies. Digital transformation, digitization of documents, DMS… these are very current topics and there is a lot of talk about them in business. It seems that the sooner these solutions are implemented in companies, the better.

However, how to assess whether a company is ready for electronic document workflow? There are several issues that are worth analyzing and answering specific questions will give us an answer.

What is document workflow?

We deal with the circulation of documents every day and this was happening long before the era of computers. The company receives an invoice, employees fill out leave applications, offices send letters, contractors submit offers in tenders, management board members sign contracts… All these activities generate the need to involve specific people in the document workflow process. Each document sometimes goes through a certain formal path several times, it is repeatable, according to a pattern created by a given company, institution or office.

aplikacja workflow dew-x

This process, described in its most abbreviated form, is nothing more than the flow of information between various people or objects. The information contained in the documents is processed. This process of document flow among people who perform a specific set of activities is called “workflow”.

Electronic document workflow – what is the difference?

This type of document circulation is, of course, digitized, i.e. supported by information technology. It is very likely that in every company that has a computer, handles e-mails, uses accounting programs, electronic signatures or stores scanned documents – electronic document workflow takes place.

However, business owners may feel somewhat dissatisfied and feel that this “involuntary” electronic document flow is not sufficient because it is not formalized in any way. However, documents are often circulated in paper form, have stamps, and are written in a paper register. There is a desire to put this process into a specific framework.

How and when to do it?

It is worth helping yourself by answering one of the important questions: how many people participate in the flow of documents? One person is not enough to implement major changes, but a few people may be enough to start the process. Several dozen people involved in the daily circulation of documents is a situation in which action should definitely be taken.

The next question concerns the mode of work – does it take place stationary in one location? If so, the flow of documents and matters is simple and does not require radical changes and digitization, because the path of their circulation is short and not time-consuming. However, in a situation where we are dealing with work in several offices, company branches, locations, or even remote work, a workflow system seems to be necessary.

Is Electronic Document Workflow profitable and does the investment ever pay off?

This is an issue that is difficult to assess unambiguously, because a lot depends on the company owner’s definition of “profitability” in a given industry. The document workflow system optimizes administrative work, commonly known as the “back office”. This type of work usually never brings an increase in sales, it is aimed at generating savings rather than profit.

narzędzie do workflow aplikacja Dew-x

The purchase and implementation of a workflow system is not cheap either. Subsequent maintenance of a given system also costs money. Internal costs should also be added, such as the involvement of people in training the team.

“We’re probably not ready for this…” – what then?

Let’s not give up. The market has several systems that operate in the “cloud” and are equipped with predefined templates of popular processes. Checking such a solution is a good test of whether the system will be accepted at all in a given company and will fulfill its role. Sometimes it turns out that it is sufficient and there is no need to invest in expensive systems, and sometimes companies decide to make purchases seeing a number of benefits. It is worth knowing that from 2022 there will be one modern and completely free document workflow system.

Invest in people

Implementing a workflow system often comes with a number of concerns. Most often in the context of employees whose bosses state that they are not ready for changes and prefer the traditional form of document flow. Life often proves that this is not true.

People are afraid of change, and fear most often only has big eyes. Leaving your comfort zone requires strong determination. Managers will play an important role here as they must be the driving force behind good, long-term changes.

Using free document workflow systems will primarily allow the team of employees to get used to a possible new work pattern. They will feel the benefits themselves or verify what needs to be improved. Only then will it be worth making the decision to invest money. Because a good investment is certainly one that we are sure is being used appropriately.

Are you interested in implementing a workflow system in your company?

Use our fully free Dew-X application, which will make document flow in your company simpler and more effective. Contact us now to easily and quickly manage everyday processes in your company with this tool.

Fire, resistance

Low-code tools and internal Citizen Developers as a remedy for resistance to IT implementations in organizations.

Resistance to change. Along with poorly structured implementation offerings and tool mismatches, it’s a fundamental problem in IT implementations. Every experienced IT company owner has at least one implementation in his portfolio derailed by internal resistance in an organization whose bosses were so enthusiastic about signing an implementation contract.

There are still not a few companies that build their implementation resources on the basis of people with high technical competence, without worrying too much about their level of development of soft qualities. And after all, an implementer often spends much more time in the customer’s company than a salesman and creates the company’s image to a much greater extent. However, even with sufficient interpersonal skills, he still remains a foreign body in the organization. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the tool he implements is treated in the same way.

Resistance can manifest itself in a number of behaviors on the part of representatives of the organization, which we probably firmly believe will be significantly helped by the product we are implementing. The primary symptom is a reluctance to change and a lack of understanding, manifested in various ways. However, this rarely happens directly. Older, established employees allow themselves to make stronger comments, especially toward top-down decisions. The less assertive ones are able to undermine the project by inundating the supplier with a litany of changes and convincing them of the enormous complexity of the activities they deal with on a daily basis.

An extreme case I personally encountered was the actions of one of the specialists in a certain unit of the organization. This man showed far-reaching commitment and often appeared at implementation meetings with the project management from the client side. He presented specific ideas for improvements, convincingly illustrating the enormity of the risks and impediments that were to be created by failing to incorporate his requests for change into the emerging process. After several rather lengthy meetings, we prepared a quote for the changes – almost 140 man-hours. As we discussed the implementation vision in detail, someone in the room asked this person how much time he would save with this implementation. We didn’t get a straight answer, but in the heat of the questions it eventually came out that the yield would be… 20 minutes per month. Resistance thus has different faces.

At the other end of the scale is resistance expressed through deliberate belittling of one’s contribution or importance to the implementation, self-pity, disapproval of implementations due to the buyer’s alleged disregard of the person’s opinion. Resistance stemming from fear of losing an area of competence or fear of not being able to meet a new challenge. All of these forms of resistance have a prominent impact either directly on the implementation itself or on satisfaction with the sytem in the post-implementation period.

Resistance within the organization, despite its harmfulness, is generally either accepted or ignored by the buyer (board, owner, department). After all, who likes outsiders?

An excellent way to increase the effectiveness of modern systems implementations seems to be to base the digital transformation on low-code tools, while developing the internal resources of Citizen developers. Indeed, it is important that their majority should be employees of the organization with several years of experience. Their competence in communication, observation and collaboration is also of great importance. Simply put – choose from among well-liked and dynamic people who are easy to spot in the company corridors. In the beginning, it will be difficult to implement the first applications or processes by their hands alone. However, even at the initial stage, they can be an excellent remedy for internal resistance and the first line of contact for the supplier. They will naturally become ambassadors of the implementation and a buffer between distrustful employees and the external company.

When calculating the implementation of such a tool, ensure that training is specified and properly conducted (especially in terms of evaluation) right away. Generating even a group of several Citizen Developers and choosing the right low-code tool can not only be initially cheaper than implementing a classic solution, but will almost certainly translate significantly into a decrease in costs in the area of tool development in the following years.

If you want to start with a free entry into the world of low-code and CitDev, then start with Dew-X, a solution that automates processes and enables digitization of workflows. With a zero entry threshold and free consultations still offered, you can easily get started with the first CitDev, which you can easily find in your own company today. Interested? You can register here – a few fields, no credit cards… one click and you’re done 🙂

Twilight of the analysts

The development of low-code or no-code applications raises the question of the future of business analysis jobs, conducted in terms of information systems. Will they still be needed in the numbers they are today?

Implementing information systems for business development has always generated the problem of converting business issues into code for individual applications. Not counting cases where organizations adapted their business to IT tools, probably every other company has encountered this issue.

Anyone who has had the opportunity to lead a development team or project probably knows how important it is to properly understand the client’s needs and properly communicate them to the production team. Without this understanding, the final result is sometimes grossly far from the expectations of the wider business. Where systems began to be heavily developed, or where the specifics of the business were not easy to grasp, a systems analyst appeared. A dedicated person with the right set of soft skills, combined with at least a basic knowledge of software development and a good knowledge of the range of applications designed to realize customer requirements. External or internal.

In the process of developing such business solutions, the analyst acts as a keystone between the development team and the client. He collects requirements, writes documentation, consults on the architecture and capabilities of the system, tests and presents the team’s output in meetings with the client.

The emergence of low-code applications calls into question the necessity of such positions.

The introduction of such tools provides opportunities to shorten the process and cast analysts in a slightly different role. Instead of dedicating their time to conversions, a business analyst turned Citizen developer has a chance to produce business solutions on their own in the form of “clicking out” a given functionality, process or entire application. Once proficient, even in real time, such as during meetings. This exponentially increases not only the efficiency in delivering exactly what the business wants, but in addition to significantly reducing the delivery time itself.

Taking the above into account, creating an organization’s IT architecture on a foundation composed of low-code applications significantly reduces the costs associated with software development. The current opportunities provided by such platforms mean that far fewer classic programmers are needed, and those who remain can then focus on solving complex business problems with code, rather than concentrating their energy and time on producing a whole lot of “decoration” that could be provided with off-the-shelf components.

With low-code tools becoming more and more popular, it seems that today’s business analysts should be the first line of ambassadors for such tools inside the organization. In my opinion, this is also the right signal, for companies offering such tools, that it should be the analysts, and not IT heads as before, who should be the first, natural sales contact leading to the implementation of such tools.

In conclusion – the increasing quantity and quality of such applications is a call for a change in the optics of those currently holding system/business analyst positions and sets a clear direction for them. Familiarity with these tools, and motivation to implement them in organizations, seems to increase the chances of self-development and guarantee job stability. Analysts also represent a much better source of future CitDev than classic programmers.


Citizen Developer – why does your company need them?

In today’s digital world, where technology plays a key role in every sphere of life, new concepts and roles are emerging with the development of a technology-driven society. One such concept is “Citizen Developer,” which describes a person outside the world of professional programmers who creates and develops applications or IT solutions.

Who is a Citizen Developer?

A Citizen Developer is a person who has no formal training or work experience as a programmer, but uses available tools and platforms to create their own applications or adapt existing technology solutions. They are often people from other areas, such as entrepreneurs, business analysts, operations department specialists, serial employees or freelancers.

The main feature of Citizen Developer is the ability to create solutions without the need for professional programmers. This is due to low-code or no-code platforms, which enable the development of applications by using pre-built modules, graphical interfaces and visual tools. This allows the Citizen Developer to focus on solving a business problem or creating a tool that meets his or her specific needs, without having to report to the IT department.


One of Citizen Developer’s main strengths is its flexibility and speed in creating solutions. Thanks to them, organizations can quickly respond to changing business needs, implement new functionalities and improvements without a lengthy programming process. Citizen Developers thus become a driving force of innovation in organizations, contributing to digital transformation and increasing operational efficiency.

… and risks

There are also some challenges or risks associated with the role of Citizen Developer. Lack of formal programming education can lead to inappropriate solution design and implementation, which can negatively affect the security, scalability and quality of the final product. Therefore, it is important that Citizen Developers have access to technical support, training and tools to ensure the quality and security of the created solutions. It is worth subjecting their work to an external audit if your company’s IT department is not efficient enough or lacks strictly programming competence.

What you need to know.

CitDevs are an essential component needed for digital transformation, and their presence on board your company will enable technological democratization. After all, deploying low-code platforms doesn’t have the right long-term impact on your business if you have to reach for external resources instead of being able to respond to change quickly with your Citizen Developers. A good CitDev can act as both an analyst and implement changes, significantly shortening the entire process involved in its implementation.

A big advantage of having CitDev with the implementation of low-code platforms is also the fact that you can use existing human resources. Such a process has great advantages – selected employees have a real sense of developing their competencies, their knowledge of your organization translates into a better understanding of business changes, and costs – even taking into account training, supervision and use of low-code platforms – are much lower than when hiring professional programmers.

As for the disadvantages, it is worth remembering that CitDev will not replace a classic programmer, and their deficiencies in the area of fundamental knowledge related to programming, require supervision and audit. Communication is also important – CitDev is often the link between IT and the business, so they must be people with the right skills in this area. Not insignificant, also for the portfolio, is the need for continuous training for them – especially in the areas of security and quality of application development. It can also be a challenge to evangelize one’s own organization, so that expectations for CitDev are not as high as for classic developers.

The moment you are fed up with the dictatorship of code and want technological democratization and digital transformation, consider creating such jobs or even teams. Low-code applications are on the rise. If you want to start with something free then try Dew-X, a solution that automates processes and enables digitizing workflows. With a zero entry threshold and free consultations still offered, you can easily get started with your first CitDev, which you can easily find in your own company today. Interested? You can register here – a few fields, no credit cards… one click and you’re done 🙂

Finally, I would like to highlight the potential of Citizen Developers as a driver of innovation, while pointing out the need for proper support and management to ensure effective and secure application development by those outside the traditional development community.

Low-code applications a way to democratize technology

This is the first in a series of articles by Kris Rozwadowski on the idea of low-code and no-code platforms.

For years, the IT development of a company, took place within a certain dictate. It didn’t matter whether you bought off-the-shelf solutions on the market, outsourced the development of turnkey applications, or created a thriving software department within your organization. Your company was ruled indivisibly … by code.

Closed or open, modern or archaic – it doesn’t matter.

You had to use the services of someone who, to say the least, knew. He knew how to do programming. And programming is not a piece of cake. And if something isn’t easy, it certainly isn’t cheap either.

Code dictatorship is a sneaky thing. Often you don’t even know that someone else besides you is ruling what goes on inside your own business. The fact that you own 100% of the code doesn’t change anything, because you still have to pay not only for the people who will change something in it, but also for those who will translate the expectations of the wider business into a language that programming keyboard virtuosos can understand.

Fortunately, we’ve been seeing a trend for some time now that allows us to hope for a change…

Democratization of technology

The democratization of technology is a process in which more and more people have access to advanced technological tools. This means that it is no longer just a small group of specialists who have control over innovations, but ordinary (see non-technical) people can also use new technologies to solve problems and achieve their goals.

As technology becomes more accessible, it becomes easier to see the potential that lies in its applications. This opens the way for innovative solutions that can benefit the entire business, as it means lower costs for change in organizations.

At the same time, the democratization of technology means that everyone can become a creator, not just a consumer of technology. You no longer need to have specialized knowledge to create new applications, websites or programs. With low-code tools, almost anyone can create their own technology solutions.

On the road to democratic revolution

The mentioned low-code tools make it possible to create applications without having to hire programmers. As a result, more and more people have access to the technology, and the software development process becomes much easier and more accessible to ordinary users.

It is the democratization of technology that is one of the most important aspects of low-code applications. Thanks to them, small and medium-sized businesses, and even one-person companies, have the opportunity to create their own applications, something that was previously impossible or reserved only for large corporations. Or for forward-looking companies, they invested in tools that allow far-reaching modifications and development of software without writing code.

Of course, such a change in the technology industry is not easy and requires a certain amount of work and time, but it is worth noting that low-code applications are no longer just experiments, but real solutions used by many companies around the world.

There are more and more platforms of this type, the entry threshold is getting lower, and the trend is becoming more and more noticeable – this also applies to softwarehouses which see it as an opportunity to produce software delivered to customers in a faster and internally cheaper way.

A good example of a low-code solution is Dew-X, which also has the advantage of being free, unlike most platforms. Of course, it is not as feature-rich as global low-code platforms, but if you are looking for a solution to automate processes and digitize workflows, this would be an ideal solution, given the zero threshold for entry and the free consultation still offered.

Interested? You can register here – few fields, no credit cards… one click and you’re done 🙂

2023 Global Software Buying Trends Gartner Digital Markets

The Gartner Digital Markets report identifies Top 9 software investment trends to watch in 2023.


It’s all interesting, but Trend No. 3 caught our attention in particular, which shows that 69% (a sample of over 1,500 companies in five countries) of buyers struggle to justify and fund new technology investments. In a broader context, this may be closely related to economic uncertainty, which has been identified as the biggest business challenge in 2023 (Trend No. 1).


We have similar observations. Most of the Dew-X users we spoke to indicate that the main reason for interest in Dew-X is its free nature or low cost of implementation and maintenance on-premises.

The latter aspect closely corresponds to the security concerns, which is highlighted by 37% of buyers in the Gartner Digital Markets report. In our case, about 5% of organizations expect a higher level of security than offered in the shared version, which they understand as the possibility of installing the system in their own infrastructure or in a cloud of their choice and control (which, of course, does not exhaust the subject of security). This is one of the most important selection criteria for them, next to the functionality of the software and ease of use.

Coming back to Trend No. 3, 41% find compatibility with existing systems as a challenge, and 40% struggle to identify the right technology. We are also doing well with these two areas. In the first case, there is an API and optional integration services at your disposal, and in the second case, it will partly help to be able to test the software at no cost (except, of course, your own commitment) in the full range of functionality.


Link to the full report

Who are document workflow systems for?

It’s time to face the question, who are workflow systems, and Dew-X in particular, for?

We already know that we deal with workflow every day, which does not mean that we always need tools other than those provided by nature. When we think about a large company, it is quite obvious that such a tool will be useful. But where is the limit?

We’ve thought about it many times, and it’s still in the pre-Dew-X era.

Does the number of employees criterion make sense?

This is often accepted. So, are 20 people working with computers enough? Or maybe 10 is enough, but in a territorially dispersed mode (now a significant part of the population is territorially dispersed)?
Then we found that the border is 50 people, but probably more because of budgetary possibilities, because licenses and implementations are expensive.

So cash

It is difficult to buy and implement a workflow system for less than 10,000 euros. Usually, budgets oscillate around 25,000 euros, and even those for 100,000 euros are not uncommon. The costs of subsequent maintenance are also remarkable. Let’s add to that now the internal cost, because without a lot of involvement of people from inside the company, no implementation will be successful. Result? You have to agree that this is not a path for everyone.


Let us not think for a moment about costs, but about needs (this approach is often found in literature and commercial processes, and quite unique in practice). Let’s imagine a micro entrepreneur that provides services to one customer. Will he need a document flow system? I don’t think so.
Okay, a micro with a few employees or subcontractors, providing services to many clients? Rather yes – in such an organization there are processes with a repetitive structure, e.g. customer service: complaints, support, vacation requests. Such an entity often uses external resources: accounting offices, human resources, lawyers, etc., which opens the way to further processes.
Will this entrepreneur buy the system offered in the traditional model? Probably not.
How much does he have to grow to be able to do it? Stay small? – not yet. Medium? – you can start looking.

And this is the first niche that Dew-X fills

Now let’s think about organizations that, even if they have money, for completely different purposes than the optimization of internal processes. It’s hard to name them all, but let’s try: associations, foundations, universities, chambers, councils, schools, sports clubs, non-profit organizations, etc. etc.

And this is the second niche

Hmmm, it is not appropriate to finish with two – usually three or five are indicated … so let’s go:

  • companies, e.g. consulting companies, which will offer support in the implementation of Dew-X for a fee
  • companies that, by adding Dew-X implementation as part of a wider service of process optimization at their clients, will increase the value provided
  • people or companies that will develop ready-made processes in Dew-X from the comfort of their home or office and will offer them (the same repeatedly) to customers – this functionality is there! Search the Knowledge Base or wait for the appropriate entry

Is it over?

No. Until now, such systems have not been available for free – we hope that there will be people who will discover completely new applications, and we also have a whole list of unrealized development ideas that may open up new application possibilities.

So who should be interested in Dew-X?

  • Companies and organizations that want, but for various reasons (e.g. financial or competency), have not implemented the workflow at all
  • Entities with a system in which some workflow processes have been omitted as part of the implementation documents and cases, and their implementation for various reasons in the current solution is impossible or not recommended
  • Advisors, consultants and workflow enthusiasts

“Estonian” workflow

Author: Jan Trawiński

Art. 15zzzzzu. 1. The restrictions referred to in Art. 15zzzzzo paragraph. 2 pt. 2… something about the Estonian workflow

When we think about the intricacies of Polish regulations, we feel terrified. VAT, PIT, CIT, COVID – it’s a pity to talk. I have not heard anyone say they are in favor of complicating them further – rather, we only hear voices for simplification and rewriting.

On the other hand, whenever we have the opportunity, we complicate ourselves as much as possible. The implementation of document and case workflow processes is a good example of such an action. The emergence of an electronic system sometimes even encourages to confuse the procedures that exist before implementation – because such an opportunity arises. As a result, monster processes are created, of such a complexity that even reading their maps requires a lot of determination and experience.

Can it be otherwise?
I believe so. I think that if the maximum simplification of processes was one of the basic goals of the implementation, this would be the case.

I’ve found that one way to do this is to divide large processes into several smaller ones. To illustrate this example, let’s take such a holiday request process. It usually combines various types of absences: vacation leave, occasional, on demand, child (maternity, paternity – parental and child-care), training, unpaid and all forms of paid and unpaid absence of service providers.
Now let’s think about the map of such a process and its complexities – actors, types of decisions, conditions, etc. To design something like this, you need an expensive analyst (and it’s still quite a simple process, comparing it, for example, to some invoice workflows).
Meanwhile, if each case was designed separately, then “clicking” one of them (forms and flow) without drawing a map at all would probably take several minutes. Moreover, filling out simpler forms would also be much more convenient for later users.

Of course, we, the suppliers of workflow systems, are also to blame for this state of affairs. Why?
First of all, we do not all agree with my thesis that simpler is better.
Secondly, the implementation should be shrouded in a fog of secret knowledge, reserved only for initiates.
Thirdly – we license per process and / or earn money on implementations.

With this in mind, I leave you reflecting, dreaming about an “Estonian” workflow.

Flow BlueDew


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