Dew Collar


Work Time Tracking in the DEW-Collar system
The name is a combination of the word DEW – element of the name of our company and at the same time our flagship product and the word collar. It is appropriate to associate with a concept such as blue-collars meaning workers.


The DEW-Collar concept is a natural extension of working time registration implemented under the DEW-1 system.

In the case of DEW-1, we register tasks performed on positions equipped with computers. At DEW-Collar, we go further and give you the opportunity to register time and results of work in individual projects also for production and service employees.


The product is addressed to companies that would like to monitor production costs at the level of individual activities, but at this stage of development of the organization are not yet ready to implement extensive production or service management systems.

A rich reporting module will facilitate the analysis of costs, efficiency and profitability.

The system will help motivating employees.


DEW-Collar can be delivered in the SaaS and license model.



Flow BlueDew


BlueDew Sp. z o.o.


ul. Małachowskiego 5/8
80-262 Gdańsk


ul. Szafarnia 11/F8
80-755 Gdańsk

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