Port of Gdansk Authority

Sławomir Michalewski - Vice-President of the Board for Financial Matters

We started cooperation with BlueDew in 2018. We decided to purchase the DEW-1 document workflow system. The first two business processes were implemented: invoice workflow and an incoming letters office. The BlueDew solution has been integrated with the Port’s IT systems. In the following years, we implemented new processes and expanded the existing ones with additional functionalities.
The company provides support and maintenance services for the above systems.

BlueDew also advises us on business and IT issues and carries out programming orders not directly related to the workflow system.

The BlueDew team proved to be professionals focused on meeting our needs. We especially appreciate the knowledge and experience that go far beyond the IT area, which helps us optimize our business processes and modernize the company.

We strongly recommend BlueDew to other clients.

Sławomir Halbryt

Chief Executive Officer, SESCOM S.A.

In our offer, we place a strong emphasis on the flexibility of solutions and focus on the customer. DEW-1 has allowed us to adapt the tool to our individual needs – to our specifics of operations and internal processes.

Olivia Business Centre

Tomasz Redwanz - proxy

(…) BlueDew (…) provided dedicated software systems and solutions to operate the Olivia Business Center complex, including:
– DEW-1 workflow system;
– system for carrying out inspections based on electronic “checklists”;
– ticket sales system;
– electronic guest book system;
– websites.

In addition, BlueDew performs dedicated programming work at the request of Olivia Business Center.

BlueDew provides services in a reliable and organized manner, and the people involved in the cooperation demonstrate professionalism and experience.

Adam Szuchnik

Head of Digitizing Operations Poland, OpusCapita

Optimizing internal processes at OpusCapita is one of our priorities. Where for others the possibilities are ending, we see new opportunities. A joint project with BlueDew is a very interesting experience. I think that we will carry out many projects together.

Olivia Star Top

Krzysztof Dembek - member of the board

(…) From the beginning of the establishment of the company, we have started extensive cooperation with BlueDew, which not only offered us dedicated, tailor-made solutions, but also partnership in analyzing operational and business problems.
The following implementations deserve special attention:
– booking and sales platform that allows you to manage the availability of the observation deck and the winter garden, as well as the sale of tickets and additional services
– an application supporting the work of waiters;
– an application supporting the fulfillment of the HACCP system requirements;
– an application supporting the work of couriers delivering meals.

In addition, BlueDew has provided us with and implemented its own document workflow system called DEW-1.
All works are performed by BlueDew at the highest level and on time.


Krzysztof Mital - Vice President

The company BlueDew implemented for us the DEW-1 system, which is a platform supporting the circulation of documents and cases.

In the first phase, we implemented the invoice workflow. DEW-1 has been integrated with our financial and accounting system.
DEW-1 is an intuitive and useful tool, thanks to which we have optimized and simplified internal processes in the company.

Working with the BlueDew team is recommendable. People involved in cooperation with us were positive, available and well-prepared. We were gladly advised on how to optimize our processes. The implementation focused less on analyzing and reflecting specifications, and more on achieving our business goals. BlueDew showed great flexibility.

We highly recommend BlueDew to entities looking for workflow IT solutions.

Rafał Marcyniuk

Chief Financial Officer

Many implementations of information systems, especially the workflow type, are months of design, tens of thousands of zlotys spend for implementation, and later, almost everyone wants to avoid the system, because it does not suit their needs…

Along with the BlueDew team, we chose a different route, we constantly consult with users at all levels of the organization’s needs and attention, and changes are introduced in a weekly cycle, often “shoulder to shoulder” with people who work with the system on a daily basis. As a result, we obtain a product perfectly adapted to our needs, maximally reducing the time from the idea to implementation. Such cooperation also increases the organization’s acceptance of the system, facilitating smooth implementation.

Exela Technologies

Director Operation CE

Exela Technologies is an international organization that has a business center in Poland that employs several hundred people.

Our goal was to find a system that would record the time and scope of work in individual projects. We chose the DEW-1 workflow system by BlueDew, because it additionally allowed us to automate the workflow of individual work cards and enabled the generation of collective reports. Thanks to the creation and implementation of an innovative component, a working time registration tool was created, combined with the circulation of work cards created in it.

The employee logs not only the activities performed by him (paid by the client or not), but also inactivity, e.g. breaks, using an automatic clock or entering data after the fact.

Once completed, the worksheets are sent to the group leaders, and if they need to be completed or corrected, they can be withdrawn as part of the process. All variables and relationships can be monitored: users, their projects, nature of activities (billable or non billable), tasks within projects. The system can support the degree of achievement of goals, notifications, escalations, etc.

The implementation of DEW-1 was quick, professionally carried out and cost-effective. The system is maintained on the provider’s servers, and BlueDew additionally provides ongoing support.

Flow BlueDew


BlueDew Sp. z o.o.


ul. Małachowskiego 5/8
80-262 Gdańsk


ul. Szafarnia 11/F8
80-755 Gdańsk

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